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Date of publication on the site: 16 august 2022.

Artium Quaestiones IX

Title: Artium Quaestiones IX
Publication date: 1998


Jacek Kowalski, Les images de l’architecture dans la lettre du pretre Jean. La tradition litteraire et la realite architectionique, p. 5

Łukasz Kiepuszewski, Strzemiński’s Cézanne Strzemińskiego.Image as a critique of text, p. 53

Stanisław Czekalski, The Internationale of Automobile Aalons and the Hagiography of Revolution. Mieczysław Szczuka at the Crossroads of New Art, p. 75

Lechosław Olszewski, Activities of Warsztat Formy Filmowej (Film Form Workshop) as an example of strategy of art towards Authorities in the 70s Poland, p. 111


Sarah Wilson, Masquerade and Femininity (Transl Marek Wilczyński), p. 157


Andrzej Turowski, ,Speech instead of writing p. 185

Stanisław Czekalski, Grottger, wicth and method, p. 203


Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Nuns as artists: the visual culture of a medieval convent, London 1997 (Jerzy Domasłowski), p. 229

Brigitte Corley, Conrad von Soest: painter among merchant princes, London 1996 (Jerzy Domasłowski), p. 232

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