About the journal

Artium Quaestiones is a peer-reviewed academic annual journal edited by the Department of Art History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It has been continuously published since 1979 by Adam Mickiewicz University Press and since its inception served as a platform for theoretical and methodological reflection in the field of art history. Articles appearing in the journal concern modern and contemporary and art as well as the art of earlier periods, including architecture, with special attention given to research on Central-Eastern Europe. Artium Quaestiones is renowned for texts that testify to the reception of both German and Anglo-Saxon art historical methodologies and their critical applications in interpretations of both local and foreign art phenomena.
Recognizable feature of Artium Quaestiones are also critical reviews of most recent scholarship and, more importantly, translations of theoretical and analytical texts, including articles and book chapters by such authors as Rosalind Krauss, Hal Foster, Mieke Bal, William J. Thomas Mitchell, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Griselda Pollock, Georges Didi-Huberman, Louis Marin, Horst Bredekamp, Max Imdahl or Hans Belting. In many cases they were the first translations of texts by these authors in Poland.
Artium Quaestiones welcomes high quality articles written in English, German and Polish by both established and younger scholars of art history and visual culture from Poland and from abroad. Starting from issue 28 (2017) the journal contains a thematic section with annually announced call for papers. Articles submitted to Artium Quaestiones are reviewed by recognized specialists in a given field, both Polish and international.
Apart from being published in hard copies, the latest issues of our yearly (from no. 26, 2015) are also available electronically via PRESSto UAM Open Access platform (there one can find all the necessary metadata, DOI numbers etc.). Moreover, all full archive of Artium Quaestiones (since 1979) has been digitalized and is available for downloading at University of Heidelberg library website. Links to all digitalized issues can be found at Artium Quaestiones website (via the Department of Art History UAM website).
Artium Quaestiones is listed on European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) and Index Copernicus International (ICI) and also available at The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) database. In 2021 readers will also be able to access it at Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) and at EBSCO platform.
In 2019 the journal received a two-year long grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – Support for Academic Journals. Articles published in Artium Quaestiones receive 40 points (according to the Ministry’s list of academic journals).