Ethical Principles

Ethical principles concerning publication, reviewing and editing of academic articles in Artium Quaestiones journal, based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines
The Editorial Team of Artium Quaestiones complies with ethical standards and good practices concerning Authors, editors, members of The Editorial Board and reviewers. This also concerns their duties related to the editing and reviewing process.
Authors’ duties:
Authors are obliged to submitting texts which are of their authorship, including the names of possible co-authors. Any instances of plagiarism and so-called „ghostwriting” / „guest authorship” are unacceptable and they constitute a case of dishonesty and a serious infringement on essential academic principles. Should such a case occurred, the editors reject such a submission and inform the proper institutions (e.g. the authorities of academic institution the Author is affiliated at).
Authors are obliged to reveal any conflicts of interest which might occur when submitting an article for potential publication in Artium Quaestiones.
Personal information and additional date required by Artium Quaestiones must be true and up-to-date.
Authors are obliged to sign an author’s statement and license for publication online prepared by the UAM Academic Press and provided by the Editorial Team.
Because Artium Quaestiones – with the exception of selected by the Editors translations of foreign texts into Polish – published exclusively original texts, sending a proposal of an article that has already been published in full or in a large part will be regarded as an infringement on the academic ethical principles. If shorted fragments of a text have already been published or main arguments presented elsewhere in writing, they should be properly referenced and the ultimate decision about the publication is up to the Editors.
Authors are obliged to make appropriate and accurate references to fragments of texts they quote and research they refer to.
Should Authors find mistakes in the text they submitted while under review or in other stages of editorial process, they are obliged to inform the Editors about it as soon as possible.
Authors should not submit the same article to two or more different journals. Should such a situation take place, they are obliged to inform the Editors about it.
Authors are obliged to comply with any legal regulations concerning copyrights that are effective at a given time in Poland.
Authors are required to secure copyrights and image rights and, if necessary, cover all the required fees imposed by the institutions and individual holding these rights.
Authors do pay for publishing a text in Artium Questiones nor do they receive any honorarium for publishing in the journal. A hard copy of a published issue will be posted to them within 1-2 months after the publication.
If Authors wanted to republish an article published in Artium Quaestiones they need to contact the Editors for permission.
Duties of Editorial Team and Editorial Board
The Editors make final decisions about the selection of abstracts and texts, their publication or rejection. The Editors may consult their decisions with the advisory body – the Editorial Board of the journal or the reviewers of the text in question.
The Editors comply with the current legal regulations concerning copyrights.
The Editorial Team are obliged to confidentiality concerning submitted proposals, the identity of the reviewers and authors while under review.
The Editorial Team complies with the Constitution and law of the Republic of Poland protecting Authors and any involved parties against discrimination based on nationality, gender, race, sexual orientation etc.
Texts which have not been yet published cannot be used by the Editors, reviewers or Editorial Board in their own research unless permitted by the Author.
Editorial Board, which consists of experts at art history and/or related branches of the humanities, has advisory capacity concerning the academic aspects of publications and its members, when asked, should offer their assistance and advice. Their role is also to comment and relay their opinion to the Editors about the already published articles, possible errors or transgressions both by the Authors and Editors, which will allow to eliminate and prevent such occurrences in the future.
The principle of confidentiality applies both to the Editorial Team and Editorial Board.
The originality of all the articles is verified by means of Crossref Similarity Check
Reviewers’ Duties
Reviewers need to have at least a PhD degree. They are obliged to draw up an objective review, based on careful and diligent reading, constructive criticism and analysis of the text under review, both in terms of scholarly content and academic standards of editing and writing.
Reviewers (double blind peer-reviews) are anonymous (neither reviewers nor authors are informed about their identity). Reviewers are obliged not to reveal their identity.
Reviewers are obliged to reveal any conflicts of interests or inform the editors about possible recognition of the author’s identity. Under the review form – which is always provided by the editors and can be downloaded from the journal’s website, there is a statement about no conflict of interest which the reviewer is obliged to sign.
Reviewers are obliged to inform the editors if they do not feel competent at the subject of the text submitted for review and give up the task. If possible, they can suggest another scholar expert at the area addressed in the text.
Reviewers should meet the deadline for returning the review proposed by the editor or – if they find it impossible – inform the editor about it.
If, having initially agreed to write a review, reviewers find it impossible to write the review, they should inform the editors as soon as possible about it and, possibly, suggest another scholar the editors might contact.
Reviewers should clearly articulate the their criticism but also strong points of the submitted text and complement these with clear indications of suggested corrections, improvements and additions to the text.
Reviewers should indicate the missing sources and references which could possibly improve the submission at the stage of authors’ revising the text.
Reviewers are obliged to inform the editors about any infringements on the ethical principles of scholarly work such as plagiarism, ghostwriting or multiple publication of the same text.