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Date of publication on the site: 12 august 2022.

Artium Quaestiones IV

Title: Artium Quaestiones IV
Publication date: 1990


Romuald Kaczmarek, Jacek Witkowski, Das Grabmal Heinrichs I. des Bärtigen von Schlesien und des Hochmeisters  des Deutschen Ordens Konrad von Feuchtwangen in der Zisterzienserinnenklosterkirche in Trebnitz (Trzebnica), p. 5

Mariusz Bryl, The interior of the tomb of Casimir the Great by Jan Matejko: from document to metaphor, p. 22

Ewa Hornowska, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s attitude toward photography, p. 38

Bogusław Bakuła, Pictures in picture. On a certain metatextual phenomen of culture, p. 58

Wojciech Włodarczyk, Painting, p. 75

Maria Poprzęcka, The language of art history and the language of politics, p. 91


Max Imdahl, Giotto. Some problems of iconic structure of sense  (Transl. Tadeusz Żuchowski), p. 104


Jarosław Jarzewicz, Technique, economy and form of Gothic architecture in Dieter Kimpel’s studies, p. 124

Max Imdahl,  On the iconic structure of sense München; the same author; Giotto. The same Arena chapel fresques. Iconography – Iconology – Iconis  München 1980 (Transl. Tadeusz Żuchowski), p. 131

Hans Belting, Dagmar Eichberger, Jan van Eyck as narrator. Early panel painting in the circle of the New York double panels, Worms 1983. p. 134

Mariusz Bryl, Picture and spectator. On a new book by Wolfgang Kemp, p. 141


The Thirs International Symposium „Baroque sculptore (Agnieszka Adamczewska), s. 153

The technique of automatic data processing in the studies of artistic culture(Katarzyna Zawiasa – Staniszewska), p. 154

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