Issues 2016 – 2020

ARTICLES Adam Soćko, Heraldic Programs in the Decorations of Parish Churches in Kraśnik and Chodel, s. 5 Agnieszka Zabłocka-Kos, Architecture and Urban Planning in the Partitioned Poland of the 19th…

THEORETICAL-HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Stanisław Czekalski, The Talbotian Paradigm of Visuality of Photography, p. 5 Dorota Łuczak, The New Vision – Astrological and Astronomical Aspects of the Photographic Vision, p.…

A WORK OF ART AS A THING Charlotta Krisspinson, Temptation, Resistance, and Art Objects: On the Lack of Material Theory Within Art History Before the Material Turn, p. 5 Vera…

TURNING POINTS: HISTORIES OF ART HISTORY IN POLAND AND EUROPE Piotr Korduba, Editor’s Note, s. 5 Piotr Skubiszewski, Turning points: Histores of Art History in Poland and Europe, Facing the…

THE CINEMATIC TURN IN ART PRACTICE AND THEORY Filip Lipiński, Cinematic Art (History) and Mieke Bal’s Thinking in Film, s. 5 Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska, Film as an Installation. Space, Narrative and…