Issues 2016 – 2020
Artium Quaestiones XXVII
ARTICLES Adam Soćko, Heraldic Programs in the Decorations of Parish Churches in Kraśnik and Chodel, s. 5 Agnieszka Zabłocka-Kos, Architecture and Urban Planning in the Partitioned Poland of the 19th…
Artium Quaestiones XXVIII
THEORETICAL-HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Stanisław Czekalski, The Talbotian Paradigm of Visuality of Photography, p. 5 Dorota Łuczak, The New Vision – Astrological and Astronomical Aspects of the Photographic Vision, p.…
Artium Quaestiones XXIX
A WORK OF ART AS A THING Charlotta Krisspinson, Temptation, Resistance, and Art Objects: On the Lack of Material Theory Within Art History Before the Material Turn, p. 5 Vera…
Artium Quaestiones XXX
TURNING POINTS: HISTORIES OF ART HISTORY IN POLAND AND EUROPE Piotr Korduba, Editor’s Note, s. 5 Piotr Skubiszewski, Turning points: Histores of Art History in Poland and Europe, Facing the…
Artium Quaestiones XXXI
THE CINEMATIC TURN IN ART PRACTICE AND THEORY Filip Lipiński, Cinematic Art (History) and Mieke Bal’s Thinking in Film, s. 5 Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska, Film as an Installation. Space, Narrative and…