GUEST LECTURE: Prof. David M. Lubin

25 marca 2017
Aktualności « Powrót

Instytut Historii Sztuki UAM ma zaszczyt zaprosić na wykład gościnny prof. Davida M. Lubina (Charlotte C. Weber Professor of Art, Wake Forest University & Terra Foundation Visiting Professor, University of Oxford) pt. „Behind the Mask: WWI, Plastic Surgery, and the Modern Beauty Revolution”. Wykład w języku angielskim.

12 kwietnia 2017, godz. 17:00 (wstęp wolny)
Sala C2, parter, Collegium Novum (Al. Niepodległości 4)

The Art History Institute Adam Mickiewicz University is pleased to invite you to attend a guest lecture entitled „Behind the Mask: WWI, Plastic Surgery, and the Modern Beauty Revolution” by Professor David M. Lubin.

April 12, 2017, 5 p.m. (admission is free)
Auditorium C2, Collegium Novum (Al. Niepodległości 4)

Link do wydarzenia na portalu Facebook

During the Great War, trenches exposed combatants’ faces to sniper fire and flying shrapnel. In previous wars such wounds would have proven fatal. Now, with improved medical and transport services, the wounded could be saved–but not always their faces as well. Crudely patched-together and sent back to the front, or their families, men with “broken faces” were routinely ostracized. This lecture examines the humanitarian efforts of plastic surgeons to restore obliterated faces and sculptors to fashion prosthetic masks, while also considering the modern beauty culture that arose in reaction to wartime unsightliness.

David M. Lubin, the Charlotte C. Weber Professor of Art at Wake Forest University, has written extensively on American art and popular culture. His most recent book, Grand Illusions: American Art and the First World War, was published in 2016 by Oxford University Press. His other books include Act of Portrayal: Eakins, Sargent, James (Yale University Press, 1985), Picturing a Nation: Art and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century America (Yale University Press, 1994), Shooting Kennedy. JFK and the Culture of Images, (University of California Press, 2003) Professor Lubin is the inaugural holder of the Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professorship at Oxford University.