Brooklyn BridgeCentral ParkColumbia University in the City of New YorkDonald Judd i Dan Flavin w Museum of Modern ArtSolomon R. Guggenheim MuseumReferaty w Solomon R. Guggenheim MuseumSolomon R. Guggenheim MuseumIHS UAM w Central ParkuNowojorskie drapacze chmurRockefeller Center, 'Atlas’Wernisaż na WilliamsburguMetropolitan Museum of ArtReferat o Willemie de Kooningu w Metropolitan Museum of ArtManhattan Bridge Referat o Brooklyn BridgeEmpire State BuildingChrysler Building, widok z Empire State BuildingWidok z Empire State BuildingFlat Iron BuildingOd lewej: dr Jakub Dąbrowski, dr Filip LipińskiFifth AvenueFifth AvenueFive Pointz przy MoMA PS1, QueensJames Rosenquist, 'House of Fire’ (1981), Metropolitan Museum of ArtMetropolitan Museum of ArtPrzed obrazem Andrew Wyetha 'Christina’s World’ (1948), Museum of Modern ArtReferat o Diane Arbus nieopodal Westbeth Artists HousingReferat o Jacksonie Pollocku w Metropolitan Museum of ArtReferat o Marku Rothko w Museum of Modern ArtReferat o obrazie 'Washington Crossing the Delaware’ (1851) Emanuela Leutze w Metropolitan Museum of ArtRotunda Solomon R. Guggenheim MuseumSpacer przez High LineStatua WolnościThe CloistersTimes SquareWidok na ManhattanKrajobraz Manhattanu ze Staten Island FerryWorld Trade Center 9/11 Memorial